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SAP BI Platform Support Tool

SAP BI Platform Support Tool

The BI Platform Support Tool is a new Java based utility developed by SAP. If you are a serious SAP BI Admin you can not miss the chance to install it!

BI Monitoring (I)

You need to be alerted when a server in your BI landscape is stopped, stopping, or failing to start.

How do you accomplish this using the BI Monitoring application?

You can monitor the availability of the servers in your BI Platform landscape by defining watches that whether the server is running and if not, an alert will be sent.

1.  Go to the Central Management Console –> Monitoring Application
2.  Click on the Watches tab
3.  For each BI server in the landscape, create a 2 state watch with the following Danger logic (where NODENAME.ServerName matches the server you are monitoring)

NODENAME.ServerName$'Server Running State'==0

4.  Set the throttling criteria such that you provide enough time for a server to restart before throwing an alert.  For example: if Danger Rule evaluates to true for last 10 minutes then email administrator)

Server metrics are by default only cached for 60 seconds.  If you need the status of a server to change quicker than one minute, decrease the Metric Refresh Interval (seconds).  The lowest possible setting is 15 seconds

(Source; SAP KBA Note – 1839303 – How to monitor the availability of a BI Platform 4.0 server using the BI Monitoring application)